I was a leader in a company that managed 45-60 hotels across Canada and HR/IR Satellite Inc and Platz & Associates were hired as our off-site HR consultants. HR/IR Satellite Inc is the HR and LR component of the business and Platz & Associates focuses on executive coaching and strategic planning. I worked with these companies for over 15 years, with the majority of those years working directly with John Platz. He is a true professional with a wealth of knowledge and was always focused on results that were fair and consistent.
During our first few years, I worked almost exclusively with HR/IR Satellite concentrating on training programs, policy manuals, training, employee satisfaction surveys and psychometric tools. Having everything available on-line made keeping current very easy. Response time was prompt and answers to every question were thorough and well-documented.
When Bill 168 was introduced in Ontario in 2009, John worked with our company to ensure we were well-versed in the upcoming changes, helped us incorporate Bill 168 into our policy manual and conducted several information sessions on-site as well.
John also led our leadership group through the Pay Equity process, which was a lot more work than anyone imagined. Without his guidance, we would have struggled to achieve the objective and certainly would have missed the deadline.
As our business relationship grew and I was promoted into a Director role, John took on the role of my executive coach. He focused on leadership effectiveness, strategic thinking, how to motivate and inspire others, how to develop my direct reports; all things I thought I knew how to do. Over time, John pushed me farther and focused on getting me to understand how to manage and lead change and how to manage difficult people and situations. He was patient and determined to help me become more self-aware and to reach my potential.
I have since joined a company that is large enough to employ their own HR and LR departments however I keep in touch with John. My new role is exciting and the opportunities are endless. The executive coaching I received from John is a significant reason why I’m in the position I’m in today.